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Most important challenge for your body
Water is vital, our bodies cannot go without it. It is the simplest liquid yet it has more benefits than anything compared to it.
Benefits include:
Clear Skin
Promotes weight loss
Energy and relieves fatigue
Boosts Immune system
Gets rid of headaches
Mood Booster
Build muscle
Good for your joints
Improves cognitive function (makes you smarter)
One of the BIGGEST beauty tips I can give my seniors to prep for their session is to drink as much water as you can before your senior session. That is why I want to challenge each of my seniors to do the 30-day water challenge before their session. But even if you aren’t a senior you can still do the 30-day water challenge.
Here are a few of the rules for the challenge:
A weight loss clinic in Houston suggests people to drink the appropriate amount of water needed for your body – To figure out the proper amount of water you need for your body you divide your weight by half and that is how many ounces you need.
For Example: If I weighed 200 pounds I would drink 100 ounces every day.
Don’t drink any other drink that contain sugars – to reap all the benefits that water has to offer you are not allowed to drink any other drink that contain sugar for the duration of the challenge. This includes coffee (I have been drinking mine with water so it isn’t too strong), tea (with sugar added), soda and alcohol.
No matter the circumstances, drink all the water – no matter what happens throughout the day make sure you drink all the water you are suppose to.
Here are a few things that I feel should be said:
Do not underestimate this challenge.
It is called a challenge for a reason. It will be hard to drink all the water every day.
I recommend adding tea to your water for flavor (no sugar).
Working out while doing this challenge helps because you drink tons of water when you workout
Stick to the rules because you will see the benefits
Here is a breakdown:
First week: By the first week I already learned accountability was going to be an immense part of this challenge. Drinking all the water is a lot harder than most think. I overall found it easier to try and drink a large portion of my water in the morning/afternoon.
Second Week: By the second week it was still hard to drink all the water. The only genuinely noticeable difference I saw in myself was my overall mood. Another positive benefit was skin that was more clear and didn’t look as dry.
Third Week: By the third week I noticed that I didn’t have any headaches and that I felt more awake and lively throughout the week.
Fourth Week: With the fourth week I noticed that I generally felt better as a whole. By the fourth week I craved large amounts of water so drinking the allotted amount was nearly as difficult compared to the first week.
I recommend this challenge to anyone. If you follow the rules you will reap the benefits. I challenge you!
Good Luck beauties!
For tips and updates follow me on Insta @brandikristinaphoto
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